Storytelling: Art or Science?

Leo Tolstoy said ‘A real work of art destroys in the consciousness of the receiver the separation between himself and the reader.’ All authors want readers to finish their masterpieces. Now and again, I’m so taken by a book I read it in one go. During my

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Hooks, Lines and Sinkers

Choosing a title for a book is as hard as writing it. Choosing a newspaper headline can be even harder: the time for dithering is short before presses roll. But the time we take to decide whether or not to read an article is even shorter: 3

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Submissions: 5 things you Don’t do (apparently)

Writing is tough: time-consuming, brain-addling. Pitching to an agent or a publisher accepting direct submissions is worse: time-consuming, brain-addling plus frustrating when they don’t answer and demoralising when the rejections trickle back. Before submitting my recently-published novel Not The Life Imagined, I spent hours reading advice on

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